Harv And Raph: Gabbin' 'Bout Dishonored
I went to Youtube and searched for "that immersive sim that's being made by the Dark Messiah dude and the guy from Deus Ex", which I'll admit was a typo as I was really looking for "Loch Ness monster proof" videos. But to my pleasant surprise it turned up a double-header interview with the lead designers of Dishonored. Game Informer sat down in Arkane's oddly coloured offices to talk to Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio, and while there's nothing even remotely touching on ancient dinosaurs being trapped in bodies of water (for LochPaperShotgun), there's a lot of chat about the immersive assassin 'em up's systems. They really are looking at the making the game a reflection of the player's actions, from extreme of violence to the other. But even then Harvey Smith points out: "We do have an ideal player in mind, though. Somme body who listens and is more thorough, and is a little trickier, a little craftier and uses their powers in interesting combinations and exploits the AI." Music to my ears. Videos have snuck into the post below.
Alec is prepping a megapost on a recent look he had at the game, but until then you can watch Raphael looking cool and nodding, Harvey jiggling his feet, and the woman in the background trying to not stare at the camera.
Part 1
Part 2