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Have You Played... Devil Daggers?

Stabbing pains

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

So this might be a weird one as Devil Daggers [official site] only came out a little while ago but I'm asking because, alongside the question "Have you played?", I want to ask "Are you still playing?"

Devil Daggers is a kind of arena of skulls and demons and death with a pleasingly lo-fi aesthetic and great sound design. I'm terrible at it but I remember it consumed my friends list for about a week and then... nothing. I haven't heard a single mention.

What I'm trying to get a feel for is the long tail of Devil Daggers - whether it has a core community of RPS readers who will still be playing it for months, even years, or whether it's a brief and passionate fling of a game which captivates for a handful of sessions and then you drift on to other challenges.

So... are you still playing Devil Daggers?

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