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Have You Played... Evoland?

Rolling roleplaying

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

Aren't games brill? I mean, look at Evoland [official site], and RPG that explores the history of its own genre, evolving from a monochrome Gameboy game through to the lovely 3D worlds of the Gamecube, hitting each Zelda-like milestone along the way.

As it unfolds, it does so with a deft hand and a smart use of what might have been overly knowing references. And perhaps more importantly, manages this chronological tour at the same time as being an interesting game itself.

It does rather spoil a long section with dreary random encounters that incessantly interrupt but offer no pleasure to plough through. But around these, it's a smart, funny and very clever game, and a lovely tribute to a lovely genre.

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