Have You Played... Men of War?
The real deal
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time.
Men Of War should be the king of Steam even today. A sort of sandbox World War II strategy game with a vast range of possibilities, from repairing and then hijacking broken tanks to stealing hats from downed enemies for added armour and any number of stealth and/or combat options, it is in many ways The Dream.
A knuckle-cracking, neuron-firing prompt: "right, what can I do here? What can't I do here?" Small squads, big maps, multiple paths, glorious chaos theory as action triggers consequence triggers reaction triggers an experience all your own within what superficially looks like one of the most staid of PC game-types.
Yeah, there's some presentation and interface issues, but are we not PC gamers? Do we not dig our way through difficult crusts to find wonderful fillings that could only exist on our mad platform of choice. Men of War is the good stuff, the real deal, 100% what we're all here for. It's not too late.