Hell Yeah: Doom 4 Info-Trickle
Looks like id's usually impenetrable marketing fortress had a crack in it after all. Actor Brad Hawkins chatted to GGL Wire about the motion capture work in the FPS sequel, which was enough to reveal that the game would feature large-ish squads of human fighters working together - a mixture of soldiers and civilians. Does this mean D4 will chronicle an invasion of Earth by Hell-sent legions? Who knows, but it was a snatch of gossip too far for Doom devs id, who summarily had the interview removed. It's even gone from Google's cache now too. Once again, the forces of light have won out against the terrible evil of people getting excited about an upcoming videogame. Hooray for truth, justice and corporate paranoia!
Slashdot, fortunately, retains a pertinent quote:
"'[Filmmaker Mark Bristol] was very specific on the civilians having a certain personality and the military characters having a separate one as well. The body language of the civilians is less, well, "trained." They carry their guns in a looser fashion and are a little sloppier when they run, a little more freestyle. The military characters are sharp as razors, with very swift moves, exact hand positioning and can turn on a dime.'"
Whether it's set on Earth, another spacebase or the Rumford branch of Morrison's, it's a strong hint that Doom 3's sometimes tepid corridor-pounding and jack-in-the-box monsters might be left behind for something a little more ambitious and open. Let's hope id stop being so precious soon, the big sillies.