CODBLOPS 2 Has Horses & Robots & Everything
It's 1:06 AM in the UK. Why in the sacred name of Galvatron aren't I in bed yet? Why am I posting the trailer for Black Ops 2 instead? These and more secrets will be revealed in Call of Meer's Bedtime: Groggy Morning 2 tomorrow. In the meantime, just watch the damn trailer, which has all manner of future death-machines and a level of outright absurdity that even my great cynicism didn't predict, and let me go brush my teeth. YES AMERICANS, BRITISH PEOPLE DO TAKE CARE OF THEIR TEETH, ACTUALLY.
It's actually gone sci-fi, then. Or openly gone sci-fi, at least. Robotic ATVs and everything. Hmm. That almost makes me interested. Almost. If it embraces its silliness at least a little. And presuming it doesn't simply involve watching an NPC pilot the big stommpy robots before I just get dumped on foot into another favela full of pop-up men.
Also, I bet that horse is cybernetic. Stands to reason, see.