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Heroes Of Newerth Is Free For A Week

Is there a better genre name for these games than "a bit like Defense Of The Ancients"? I mean I was going to go with "Champion-based Tower Defence", but that seems too wordy. Anyway, whatever the taxonomy of the game, it's free to play Heroes Of Newerth for this week. I had a good old crack at this when it came out, and frankly struggled a bit with the arcane and unfriendly community, but it's quite the game once you begin to master the rhythm of things, and figure out how to avoid getting insta-ganked when things go awry. Probably worth taking a look this week if you're going to give it some time, that way you can be sure of full newbie servers. And I mean that in the kindest possible way. Even HoN's newbie servers can be a little challenging for beginners.

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