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HL2's Ravenholm: Yours, For Free

Nick sends a piece of Half-Life 2 fan-art ingenuity that's not only awesome, but also going for free to anyone interested. Free! If only I a) lived in Minneapolis b) had an empty warehouse to keep this stuff in.

Seems a chum of his held a Ravenholm (spooky HL2 zombie level) theme party this Halloween, and now he's not sure do to with all the gigantic and impressive props he made for it. To whit: a headcrab rocket, a stack of authentic HL2 ammo crates and eight replica buzzsaw blades.

Nice work, Nick's friend Jarrin.

So, have a gander at the ad on Craigslist, and if you're able to go collect this huge haul of unique Valve tribute, you know what to do. And if an RPS reader does grab this stuff, we fully expect to see what you've done with it, m'kay?

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