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Humble Bundle 2: Humble Harder

You may recall this Spring's Humble Indie Bundle, in which an assortment of delectable indie treats lined up and asked for however much/little you were willing to offer them, then duly forked over a portion of proceeds to Child's Play and the EFF. It sold rather well, and there was much rejoicing. It was an epochal moment, which could never possibly happen again.

Somehow, it's happened again. Five super indie games, at a price of your choosing.

The latest round of Humble Bundle (or Hundle, as I shall now insist on calling it) constitutes Braid, Machinarium, Revenge of the Titans, Osmos and Cortex Command. All of these games have been featured on RPS at one point or another and all of them in a positive light - which by my maths means the entire bundle is worth at least $345413232.97.

No doubt you'd rather pay a price you're comfortable with, however. That can be arranged. Whatever you like, and you can adjust exactly how much goes to the games, how much goes to charity and how much goes as a tip to Hundle organisers Wolfire (who don't have a game in the pack this time around) to go towards arranging more of this kind of thing.

It's an awesome bundle and an awesome offer. You should totally go do it. Here's a trailer, too:

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Oh, and non-Windowsers will be glad to hear that all five games are available for PC, Posh PC and DIY PC.

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