Likeable Roguelikelikes: Humble Roguelike Bundle
What'd be a roguelikelikelike?
Given that one defining characteristic of Rogue, roguelikes, and roguelikelikes is that you can return to them over and over and enjoy a new experience each time, a whole bundle of them sounds like overkill. Well, that or a squillion hours of mirth for only a few quid.
The Humble Weekly Bundle: Roguelikes 2 launched last night with anywhere from three to six roguelikelikes depending on how much you fancy paying. They include the likes of Road Not Taken, Heavy Bullets, The Nightmare Cooperative, and A Wizard's Lizard.
It's the usual Humble dealio: you pay-what-you-want above $1, get DRM-free versions and Steam keys when possible, they're mostly on Windows, Mac, and Linux, you can divide money between the devs, Humble, and charity as you please, and paying more gets you more games.
At least $1 (£0.70) will get you A Wizard's Lizard, The Nightmare Cooperative, and Vertical Drop Heroes HD. Beating the average, which is $4.82 (£3.25) as I write this, gets you Road Not Taken and Early Access to Delver. Lastly, for $8 (£5.50) or more they'll throw in Heavy Bullets too.
Between that lot, you'll have a spread of roguelikelike genres: a platformer, third- and first-person action-RPGs, first-person shooter, and puzzlers. John was into Road Not Taken, I quite liked Heavy Bullets though admittedly haven't returned much since The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth came out, I enjoyed what I played of The Nightmare Cooperative despite being rubbish at puzzles, and I hear A Wizard's Lizard is a bit Binding of Isaac-y and pretty good. It's a solid bundle, I'm saying.