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I have an issue with one specific paint colour in House Flipper

Flip it good

This supporter post should have gone up yesterday. But in my defence, I have no idea what day it is anymore, and indeed only a tenuous grasp on who I am. But whoever that is, they're at least wearing jeans and not just fuzzy pyjama bottoms today, which has to count for something. One of the things that has been difficult to get over about the pandemic currently occurring at us, is the lack of control. I have no control over my government's response, I have no control over other idiots who are going out and meeting up with friends still (for some reason), and I certainly have no control over the virus itself. It's not even something you can be angry at. It's nothing personal, it's just a virus doing virus things.

Luckily, all my hobbies are things that do give me a sense of control. I had the presence of mind to bring my plant (James Plant) home from the office, so I have re-potted him into a much bigger home with more root space. I have made most of the cat and a third of the rainbow for my rainbow barf cat scarf. And I am playing lots of video games. Recently this has included a lot of House Flipper. But I have a very specific bone to pick with it.

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