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I Lied To You About Batman

I'm so sorry. There's going to be a proper scandal about that. or Gamasutra or someone will probably run an expose about the awful corruption at RPS. Last week, I brazenly claimed, to your face, that this would be the last Batman: Arkham City trailer we'd post before the pointlessly-delayed PC release next month.


Because here's the first proper PC footage of Arkham City.

This via NVIDIA, and intended to pimp their GeForce 5x cards and that mildly irritating PhysX 'sprays of tiny intangible things' NVIDIA-promoted games tend to boast. Not sure who thought that music was suitably man-of-batsy, either. Oh well!

Watch on YouTube

There's more technical/promotional detail on what NVIDIA have done with B:AC:PC over here, plus a bunch of compare and contrast across newer and older NVIDIA cards screenshots. The one at the top of this post, by the way, shows off what DirectX 11 Tessellation (together with a shitload of antialiasing) does to the game. I cropped out the gratuitous cleavage to protect young minds. You may call me Alec Whitehouse.

In unhappier news, Arkham City has now been released for pre-order on Steam. But not in the UK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH NOT AGAIN.

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