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Illusive Men: New Mass Effect 2 Footage

When I look deep into your eyes I can see your greatest desires. Don't be afraid. Ah yes, I see it now. You want three more trailers with in-game content for next year's Mass Effect 2. Well, hold my hand and join me beneath the jump where I have a little surprise for you.

Here's a sneaky peak from what must be the opening, revealing that Shepard has been sleeping for quite a while. Also, the "Elusive Man" (really?) seems to be voiced by the lovechild of Martin Sheen and Casey Kasem ("I have a letter from a man in Austin, Texas, and here's what he writes: Dear Mr President..."):

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Then there's a bunch of combat, showing off some really cool moves, and I think making it very clear how much it's changed since the first game:

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And this third video shows off a conversation, which doesn't really reveal a great deal. But I do wonder why they don't have any videos featuring the female Shepard.

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