It's Not Already Out? Firefall Officially Launching This Month
Launch patch quadrupling world size
You know, I'd sort of assumed that Firefall had been finished and released then quietly faded into the background noise of video games. That's probably because it's been in open beta testing for an entire year, and I don't know anyone speaking about it. Come July 29, developers Red 5 will declare their free-to-play shooty jetpacking MMO finished and officially launch it. While many launches after lengthy betas seem to be the equivalent of someone yelling "That's it! I'm done! God! Nuts to this!" and walking out, this one will be fairly substantial, bringing an update that Red 5 say will "quadruple the amount of world space."
This world-expanding update will also "add roughly 15-times the amount of content we have had previously in beta," according to Red 5. Whatever "content" means. And however "amount" is judged. What is certain is that they're opening up huge areas of the world that had been closed, bringing heaps of new quests and events and all that.
The launch will also bring PvP back to Firefall, after its humdrum man-murdering offerings were pulled. This time, it'll be an open-world resource battle sort of thing, quite different to the digital sport arena last tried.
Given that I haven't really heard about Firefall in a while, how is it now anyway? Or if you played but had stopped, might all this new stuff tempt you back? Here, have a launch trailer: