It's Stare At Somewhere Screenshots Monday!
Because I say so
I've read more dev blog posts than you've had hot dinners. That might actually be true. Let's pretend it is. Speaking with my newfound authority as someone more familiar with dev blogs than you are pie and mash, I'll declare that few delight me as consistently as the Oleomingus gang's. Each load of work-in-progress screenshots and art is a ray of loveliness in my RSS reader, and doesn't that sound nice on a Monday morning? So come play Alice Simulator 2015 [timely gag -ed.] by enjoying a look at what they're up to with first-person explore-o-metastory Somewhere.
I mean:
What a treat. Hit the blog post for more and bigger versions. To explain what you're looking at, though, this is part of Figments which is part of Somewhere which is a first-person game about stepping into other people's heads and through photos to see events and places in new ways, telling a story about the discovery of a mythical city. Inspirations include writers like Borges and Calvino with their wonderful magical places and perspectives.
Oleomingus release standalone test snippets every so often, and I had a look at the last, Rituals. Since then, they've reworked that a little and, I'm glad to say, cut the stealth system I thought seemed out of place (I'm not taking credit, but ner-nicky-ner-ner I was right). And they've started on the next bit, Figments.
These screenshots are all work-in-progress still, of course, and the grass especially is. But look at those colours! That architecture! Those teacups! That paper sky! The newspaper panelling! Those theatre set popup buildings mixed in! They're also poking at a card game in some way. I'm still not really sure what Figments or Somewhere will eventually end up being, but I'm enjoying following its development an awful lot.
(I'd also recommend following Pixelatedcrown for a steady trickle of niceness in your RSS reader.)