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Jagged Alliance: Not Yet Back In Action

It's almost December now, and even though I've checked my hard drive thoroughly, again and again, there is no trace of Jagged Alliance: Back In Action on it. Which doesn't make any sense, given the game was supposed to be out on October 18th. Let me just check again.

Nope, there's half of an Alanis Morrisette album an ex left on there years ago, but that's all the Jagged I'm getting. Wha'happened?


Huh, just been announced as now coming out next February, eh? Very well. Gives us more time to come to terms with news that the JO reboot won't be turn-based, and whether we prefer this or Jagged Alliance Online. There's a new, screenshot-packed website out to accompany news of the new release date. And below is the video you've all been waiting for: the making of JABIA's soundtrack:

Watch on YouTube

Plus some previously-seen drama that contains said soundtrack in bombastic action:

Watch on YouTube

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