Jenny LeClue - Detectivú opens her investigation today
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It's been quite a while since we caught up with young Jenny LeClue - Detectivú. RPS exile John was quite taken by the game's demo back in 2015, following a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign. And then, she went silent. Sleuthing, I reckon, hiding in the shadows to unravel the case of the unfinished adventure game. Now, four years later, Jenny's solved the mystery and is submitting her evidence to Steam and GOG.
If you've been left without a clue surrounding Jenny's snooping so far, here's a trailer to get you up to speed.
With a tangled, sprawling narrative full of intrigue, puzzles, and sticking it to old people, you and Jenny will have to clear her mother of murder accusations. There's plenty weird going on in the sleepy burgh of Arthurton, and plenty more ways to scratch beneath the surface. I had a wee gander at the developers playing over on Steam and caught some serious boat crime going on.
Most of the time, you'll be wandering around a dense little world chatting up folk, regular adventure game affairs. Every so often, though, Jenny zooms in to take on some serious contextual-puzzle snooping, whether that's creeping on a trenchcoat-donning murderer or heaving a mine cart with the help of some ghosts.
LeClue's striking style stole into on one of Jay's recent weekly forages through Screenshot Saturday, with a lovely little timelapse bringing an author's study together. It does look quite lovely - carefully handcrafted paper cut-out motions gently against a warm, autumnal haze. Comforting, yet always a little unnerving.
Jenny LeClue - Dectectivu is out now on Steam and GOG for £16/€19/$20.