Landlord's Super, pls fix your wheelbarrow
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Landlord's Super is an early access game about living somewhere in the north of England in the 80s, and grafting. You have recently acquired a plot of land with a half-built house on it - after taking out a loan for £5k, [pause for hollow laughter] - and have to finish the house and get tenants in, whilst paying off the loan.
You can do this this hard way (working down the pub and gradually saving up to buy the cement, bricks and tools you need) or the slightly easier way (nicking stuff from unattended building sites around the town using only your two hands and your trusty wheelbarrow). I dipped into Landlord's Super when it first appeared, because it is a brilliant concept and I love a lot of the stuff it does. So I went back this weekend to see if I could get to grips with it any better than I had before. Alas, I find I am still stymied by the same issue: my total arseache of a wheelbarrow.
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