Life Is Strange 2's first episode is due out in September
More details coming in August
The first episode of Life Is Strange 2 will arrive on September 27. Dontnod's Twitter account has announced the release date, along with a painfully brief teaser displaying only the title and the series length: five episodes. Beyond that, the developers are keeping quiet.
For more details we’ll need to wait until August.
What a relief, then, that The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is launched today on Steam. It’s a two-hour standalone adventure full of childish whimsy and, according to Brendan’s preview, grief, alcoholism and neglect. Oh dear. It's also free, however, so you won't need to pay money to feel terribly, terribly sad. Some choices you make in Captain Spirit will have consequences in the sequel, Dontnod say.
Since the Life Is Strange 2 teaser was so brief, why not watch one for Captain Spirit, too?
Like the first season of Life Is Strange, and unlike the prequel Before The Storm, the sequel will be five episodes long. No doubt we'll learn more about the sequel during Gamescom.