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Darkly cute adventure Little Misfortune launches early next year

Mr Fox doesn't want to play this game

That fox up there looks worried - rightly so. Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez (the titular Little Misfortune) might only have the best intentions, but between ambition and an overly encouraging narrator she might be on a dark path. Killmonday Games are following up their grim little adventure Fran Bow with another tale of a girl delving into places where not even the bravest adult would tread, and this time with a mission. She's on a quest to claim Endless Happiness for her mum, because she's a good kid. See just how good in the new trailer below. It's due out "Q1 2019".

When a seemingly omniscient voice asks if you want to play a game, most would probably do best to say no, and just go straight back to bed. Unfortunately, being the creative, imaginative and bubbly child she is, Misfortune decides she wants to play, and to win. "There is no right and wrong, only consequences", says the friendly voice. Misfortune just wants to hurry up and start playing. Judging from the trailer, there's going to be dark rituals involved, creatures from beyond, nightmare realms and cute fuzzy animal friends to pet, like the slightly worried fox above.

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The trailer also highlights the biggest change from Fran Bow - Miss Fortune (and the rest of her world) are fully voiced, in addition to being lushly drawn in cheerfully grim fashion. She even sounds like a real eight-year-old, which may irritate some but I feel is important in a story like this. Childlike innocence (and the horrible things that may result of it) is a cornerstone of the tale to be told, after all. Killmonday tease monsters, missing children, mysteries and the chance to visit a pet cemetery, shovel in hand. I'm eager to start digging early next year.

You can find Little Misfortune lurking about on Steam here, or on its official page here. The game is due out in the first quarter of 2019.

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