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Mass Effect 2's "All-Powerful Bitch"

Dark tidings from Camp Bioware, in this seemingly rather ill-judged trailer for the new Mass Effect 2 character Subject Zero. Bitch. Shoots for Strong Vengeful Joss Whedon Villain-Type, but comes off like an insipid, low-rent exploitation movie. Bitch. Hopefully this is simply an unfortunate marketing misfire, as with those very silly Marilyn Manson/low-budget porno trailers for Dragon Age, and not representative of the tone of the game itself. Bitch. But I must say, they're going to have to fight to win back my anticipation for the game at this stage. Bitch.

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"Now who's the badass biotic, bitch?" Dear God. HK-47 she really ain't. That said, at least I now know which of my ME2 crew members I'll be killing first. Bitch.

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