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Minecryft: The Official Far Cry 3 Mod For Minecraft

Block by block, like an insidious cubist curse, Minecraft is taking over the gaming world. World of Warcraft was the most recent game to suffer assimilation, in a frightening 1-1 recreation. Usually this sort of labour of love is made by the fans, but Ubisoft are cutting out the post-launch months of people on forums suggesting that someone does it. They've hired Far Cry 3 Minecraft modder Michael Lambert to build it for them, creating a free map and texture pack that will be out before the game it's based on.

It makes none of sense, but it's a fun thing to do for both communities. Minecrafters get a new world to play with, full of a huge amount of spoiler content for the main game: locations and characters will be present, as well as 50 or so Easter Eggs. And if you're a Far Cry 3 fan who was eager to see the rather gorgeous game rendered in breaky blocks, then you're probably more excited than I'm comfortable with. Take a couple of steps back. Further. That's better.

Here's some startling imagery of the two games mashed-up. I hope Ubisoft believes this is what they're making.

It'll be out on the Far Cry 3 site on October the 26th.

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