Monkey Island 2 Spec Ed Review On
Are you interested in what you should be thinking about the new Monkey Island 2 Special Edition? Fortunately I'm here to tell you - what a spot of good news. My review for PC Gamer has made its way onto the Jaunty RPS Tribute Site, over here. I say:
"By jove, they’ve got it! Last year saw LucasArts remake the original Secret of Monkey Island with gorgeous new graphics and fantastic voice acting. And then, through some arcane form of voodoo, they managed to make it maddeningly irritating to play. A crazed muddle of menus, inputs and berserk design decisions spoiled a game that was never as good as people remembered it being. Forget all of that – Monkey Island 2: Special Edition has fixed absolutely everything, and was a far better game to begin with."