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Mooning Over Lune's Free Alpha

Finding a moment for quiet reflection during the barrage of noisome, steroidal E3 'news' is important for RPS reader and writer alike. I chose to do with it Sergey Mohov's Lune, a moon-controlling videogame which prompted Young Master Grayson to bust out assorted superlatives back in April, and which has now released a free alpha.

Truth be told I'm too ruined by four weeks of only sleeping two to three hours a night - thanks, baby - to have an even partial understanding of what I'm doing, but the theory is that you alter the placement and proximity of the moon in order to affect the environment and create new throughfares for the playable character. In fact, I was defeated by the first puzzle, which seemed to involve some manner of rock-pushing and/or rock-climbing, but my character firmly refused to push or climb. I don't know, I need to move on to more 'news' now anyway, so you'll have to work it out for me and then tell me how stupid I am.

Even if I'm in the wrong state of mind to work out the practice, I certainly dig the concept - the simultaneous movement of your character and repositioning of the celestial body she controls, the two of them becoming a sort of tag-team puzzle due like the Gobliiins series, except with huge pieces of galactic rock and changing tides rather than jabbering French things with big noses.

Here's the trailer we posted last time, but really you should give this pretty, ethereal thing a try in your browser here.

Watch on YouTube

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