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Mount & Blade: Warband: Multiplayer - Multiplayier!

Emerging from a cloud of dust of E3 is the sound of horse-feet. Hooves. That's the word, hooves. Sorry - it's early. As you'll hopefully be aware, RPS-fave Mount & Blade is getting an expansion. In terms of features they revealed at E3, we're talking about fancier graphics with redone models and - er - graphic effects I can't be bothered listing and now 64 player multiplayer (with game modes including team death match and the iggy-pop-inspired Search & Destroy. Worth noting it's more than just a MP expansion too - the SP will have the ability to become a faction ruler and force people to become your vassals, in a manner akin to how Jim rules RPS. Also, Soldier Morale, adding proper cowards. Run! Run from my horse feet. Er... gameplay trailer beneath the cut.

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