Excitable Archipelagos: Caribbean!
Games about pirates sometimes feel the need to exclaim their titles, as if rushing into a room and excitedly waving their arms, jumping up and down, screaming in your face. 'Pirates', they yell, spittle flecking your bewildered visage, 'piiiiirates'! Or, in this case, they're bellowing 'Caribbean', which makes it really hard for me to work out which vowel to elongate. I guess it would be 'Caribbeaaaaaan'!. Anyway, Caaaaaribbean! is a newly announced game from Snowbird Game Studios of Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword, and it uses the same engine for a piratical game, with naval combat, boarding operations and sieges. More screenshots below.
Mount and Blade plus Pirates! seems like a very fine idea to me.