Neverending Nights: New NWN2 expansion
There's a new NWN2 expansion on the way, though you'd have to polish up your cross-language dictionary as well as your broadsword +4 against scarabs to be sure. NWN vault noticed that the splendid-named Spanish site Neverwinteros brings news of a new Expansion entitled "Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir". The Vault actually translates the news, revealing that the game seems to be the Icewind Dale approach to the genre - in that it gives you the ability to design a whole party from scratch, then go forth and persecute kobolds for their gold. "Trading and economic manipulation" are promised, which sounds exciting, even through the translation. It also features a conflict with "the evil, shapeshifting, serpentine Yuan-Ti", which we welcome, as we are completely racist about the bloody Yuan-Ti. They're complete shits.