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The New Old Republic: Coruscant

The time when I get really envious of game developers is usually when they get down to the full sweep of world building. In this latest video Bioware talk about the making of the city-planet of Coruscant in The Old Republic, and explain how they've had to build a planet entirely without terrain - a purely urban setting, miles deep - while also getting across a spectrum of political power and corruption via the gradation of environments through layers of the capital of the Republic. Ooh, there's also some boasting! This is an unprecedented city environment, they claim, with the kind of infrastructure that would be required for a sort of endless Manhattan, which dwarfs any city environments in other games. From the shiny surface mega-structures of the senate and the spaceport, down to the endless dereliction of the lower levels. It's a kind of architectural encyclopedia of Star Warsian styles all on its own. And what is going on with Robert Chestney's t-shirt? Ah, the many mysteries of Star Wars...

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