New Peggle! Free Peggle! WoW Peggle!
Oh, Peggle. I remember when you were just an innocent wee lad, our precious little boy, wouldn't say boo to a goose. Now you're out there in the big wide world, rubbing shoulders with the elite with nary a backwards glance. Just don't forget that you're still, you're still Peggle from the block.
Yes, we've had Official Orange Box Peggle, Disappointingly Similar Sequel Peggle and Played Within World of Warcraft Peggle. Now we get, simply, World of Warcraft Peggle - 10 free, standalone bonus Peggle levels.
There's a duel mode and some new super-hard (apparently) challenges, too. Now bad for a free'un, no?
Don't expect any sweeping changes, as it seems to be primarily a promotional thinger for Full-Fat Peggle and WoW itself, but do expect more playful humour, now with added Leeroy Jenkins gags. And a Unicorn in Epic armour. Also, some new, official WoW art, made specifically to be WoW-Peggle's level backdrops.
Yours for no-pennies and 13.4Mb from here.