No Man's Sky explorer makes futuristic museum for alien relics
That belongs in a museum (in space)
I won't pretend to understand what a Stabilised Reality Glitch is in spacefaring planet-hopper No Man's Sky, but when I see a bunch of them gathered together on podiums in a remote interplanetary museum, I will say: "cool". A player has done just that, bringing each of the rare trophy items to a minimalist monument and placing them on display, like some sort of curator of alien artefacts. That's neat.
You can see a video of the "museum" in this Reddit post, where user "cwigginsNYC" shows off their "souvenirs from weirdo planets" on a rocky, dead world, all within a modern roofless structure, surrounded by shiny metal struts. It looks like what would happen if a fancy architect was sent to the moon and told to build a visitor's centre to honour all the wonderful types of rock earth has.
I love hunting for/collecting the souvenirs from the weirdo planets so I made a little museum to display them. I’m still missing a few.
by u/cwigginsNYC in NoMansSkyTheGame
"It's very serene," says the builder in the post. "It's really one part museum, one part fortress of solitude where I can be alone with my thoughts about the Atom."
"Finding the flat ground on a desolate planet (it's the vibe I was looking for) was the hardest part," they add later.
The exotic trophies are weird relics you can find on certain planets and are used as decorations when basebuilding. They were added as part of the Visions update in November last year. This habit of collecting the curiosities for display feels like something a few people have probably done without even thinking about it, but it is nice to see the finished thing. Or nearly finished. The curator says there are still some pieces missing from their collection.
But isn't it neat? It makes sense too. In Stardew Valley you get that big museum where you collect every type of material in a big open archive. Here, it's less thorough, and player-driven, but that desire to gather oddities, to categorise and display them, is something farmers and space 'splorers have in common. I approve, even if I haven't touched the colourful space game since its troubled release. Museums help our galactic knowledge, and if Pip's recent impressions of No Man's Sky Beyond are anything to go by, it might be a good time to get curating.