Blastoff! No Man's Sky Patches Keep Flowing
Now with patch notes!
Those industrious spacefolk at Hello Games popped another No Man's Sky [official site] patch out over the weekend, this one fixing several crashes, dealing with corrupted save files, and stopping players from respawning stranded on a space station with a busted ship. Yep, this means they've also shared patch notes revealing what their patches have fixed. Hello say that "these fixes should remedy around 70% of our current support requests" and they're also working on another patch, which should enter testing today.
"Right now the team is fully focused on categorising and fixing support issues in order of priority, based on the number of people they are affecting," Hello said in Saturday's Steam post. "The information and crash dumps you’ve posted have been indispensable in helping us track down and fix these issues."
They also share patch notes for the past week's three updates, detailing changes including performance improvements, support for more CPUs and GPUs, fixes for a variety of crashes, help for people getting shot down and stuck under the terrain as they crashed, making corrupted save files loadable, and so on.
Hello worked on the fourth update over the weekend (bless their tired little hearts!) and it should be in testing today. They're focused on fixing and helping now but say "Once all our support requests have been answered then we can begin improving the game with new features."
Say, gang, what sort of - realistic, achievable - features are you hoping might follow?