Oh Thank Goodness, No Man's Sky On PC At Launch
After all sorts of kerfuffle with the announcement of a PS4 exclusive, it looked for a horrid while like Hello Games' extraordinary-looking No Man's Sky [official site] might not be making it to PC - straight away, at least. Well hurrah, clearly enough bonkers-time has passed for Sony's Microsoft-baiting ner-nerring for the simultaneous release on PC to be declared. Also, some brand new in-game play.
The universe-exploring sim, with its seamless transitions from space to planet surfaces, shared exploration (although it's not an MMO, other players will appear, but you can't interact with them), resource discovering and unique flora and fauna, still sounds too good to be true. An infinite universe populated by unique planets, secrets hidden for players to discover, and all with the permanent danger of massive space fights or ground-based FPS, and losing everything you've gathered. Well, just look:
They promise there will be a release date soon. There is still hope for a 2015 launch, but it's obviously liable to slip into next year. But the great news is, it'll be on PC as well as PS4 when it does.
PS. Can we all agree that the abbreviation for the game should be NOMS? Okay, good.