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Not A Carrey In the World: Arkham 2's Riddler

The videogames promotional cycle can be so exhausting - take Batman: Arkham City, for example. It's still three and half months away but already we're at a sort of hype crescendo. Yes, I want it. Do you hear me, Warner Brothers? I am prepared, right now, to say that I want to play it and I am prepared to hand over in the region of £30 to make this happen. Do I still have to watch tons of videos that tease and torture me with the fact that it's probably going to be very really good but I'm not allowed to have it yet? Do you want me to beg? Alright, I'll do it.

Please, Mr Warner and your delightful brothers, can I have this game now? If I promise to watch another video, can I have it? Please? Please?

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So that's the Riddler. He's like the Joker, except a bit more like a children's TV presenter. Looks like he's upped his game this time around, being very much an active antagonist rather than a Achievement-hiding annoyance. The video suggests a canny mix of the ludicrous excess of the 60s TV show's crazy contraptions and the laser-focus on sadism that characterises latter-day Bat-villains.

I hope I get to punch the Riddler in the nose. I'd like that.

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