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Control Human Swarms And Fight Giants In Okhlos

Mob vs. boss

Okhlos [official site] looks like Pikmin crossed with Rampage. You control a mob of tiny people, but instead of using them to transport seeds and navigate leaves you swarm them around buildings and giants in Ancient Greece in order to smash them to bits. There's a new trailer below, announcing its planned spring release window.

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Those giants are deities - some of them are minotaurs - and they're what have prompted the unruly mob to take up arms. I like the idea of being able to customise the mob most of all, selecting different kinds of villager and animal who come with their own unique smashing stats and counters against different enemy types.

Okhlos has been in development since 2012. I know because its developers have charted their progress from the very earliest of prototyping all the way through to its current state. I like this one about the flocking algorithm which determines how exactly your troop of little men move around.

Okhlos is due for release this spring - either March or April, depending on whether you believe the press release or the Steam page - for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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