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OMDO turns DOOM into a Magic Eye puzzle

Oh, look! A sailboat!

I’m not sure about you lot, but I’m always worried that my eyes aren’t getting enough of a work out when I’m playing games. OMDO, then, might be exactly what I need to help me shed excess eye weight. It’s DOOM, but every frame is a autostereogram, hiding the screen inside a wall of dots. To see anything, your eyes will need to get off their lazy behinds and break a sweat.

Not surprisingly, this is not a particularly effective or fun way to play DOOM. Depending on your favoured method, you’ll be spending the whole time with your face almost pressed against the screen, or you’ll be cross-eyed. I’ve tried both methods, along with their accompanying game modes, and I’ve yet to see more than the gun.

My eyes are strong though! So strong. Once I'd wiped away the tears and massaged my temples, I could tell they were as powerful as they’d ever been. I probably don’t need glasses now, though I’ll keep them just because I think they make me look handsome. In a few days, I might even be able to make out one of the enemies.

If your eyes aren’t too puny, you’ll be able to play through DOOM’s first three maps. It’ll help, obviously, if you’re already pretty familiar with them. You can grab OMDO for free from now.

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