Overture: Clint Mansell To Score Mass Effect 3
Gosh, I do love Clint Mansell's scores. Especially the soundtrack he put together for Moon. Although you used to have to be careful when listening to it on Spotify, as it would play through into the Fountain's equally splendid OST, but then into DOOM's. And you'd realise what you were listening to and feel ridiculous. Anyway, they've rejigged all that now, so it's safe. Oh yes, I had a reason for mentioning this. He's creating the soundtrack for Mass Effect 3! Which is really, truly splendid news. Most famous for his work on Aronofsky's films, his orchestrally ambient pieces are capable of subtly finding their way into Trent Reznor territory, and should make a fine background for space action roleplaying. What excellent news. (Via Eurogamer)