Steal Christmas: Payday 2 Event Adds Heist, Masks, More
Were you dreaming of this?
There aren't nearly enough Christmas-themed videogames in the world. Where are the modern equivalents to Christmas Lemmings, or the videogame kin to seasonal movies like It's A Wonderful Life? I'm not satisfied by Christmas updates to non-Christmas games, though I suppose they're a start.
Payday 2 is doing its bit by running a series of jolly updates to the first-person, multiplayer heist-'em-up. There's a new mission to steal some snow-like white powder, and the first few days of updates have thus far also introduced Christmas-themed masks similar to but legally distinct from other beloved Christmas characters.
Also this Payday-themed Christmas carol, which I challenge you to get all the way through.
I lasted until the third day of Christmas before I gave up. I started having flashbacks to a holiday which featured a boat trip where I and a large group of strangers were trapped and forced into singing this song. The look of fear on the faces of the non-English speaking tourists. The rising temptation to throw the organisers overboard.
Today is also the third day of the Payday update, and following day 1's new mission and day 2's "Strinch" mask, it introduces the game's pre-planning feature to a few of the previously available missions. Pre-planning was a feature added earlier this year, and it let's you plan your drops, items and escape routes before embarking on any given heist.
There's more info through at the Payday White Christmas" micro-site.