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Ping Arthur: Camelot Unchained

How's about for a mouthful of summation: "Camelot Unchained takes one part classic legends, adds a twisty little apocalyptic passage, and mixes in a whole batch of creativity to birth not just another “me and my WoW-clone”, but a unique RvR-focused MMORPG." Hmm! What? Yes. It's a new game by the man behind Mythic, Marc Jacobs (Dark Of Camelot, Warhammer Online), who is asking for TWO MILLION DOLLARS to make a new PvP-focused MMO. He's already raised in excess of $600k on the first day, so I fancy his chances.

To the below for more on this happening.

Convinced? Unconvinced? Either way it's interesting to see that Jacobs is anticipating the "hey, rich man, why you need our money?" responses to his proposal with this: "Mark Jacobs is willing to do something quite unheard of on Kickstarter, which is to put $2M of his own money into this project, while at the same time not using any of the money raised from this Kickstarter to fund any part of his salary, perks, benefits, etc."

So he's basically looking to repeat the success of DAoC, only this time he has his own megabucks in the pot, and wants the internet to offer up the same. Intriguing! We'll see if we can get an interview with man as soon as is appropriate.

What's so great about arthuriana anyway?

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