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Pirate Ships, Still No Ninja MMO

The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

So Pirates Of The Burning Sea is now live. One word review: patchy. Aha! I've still got it. I really like some elements of it, and bombing about in my boat, trading and getting into minor scuffles, is kind of fun. The towns, overall missions, and sword fights are a bit less interesting, however. I'm being paid to write about the game elsewhere so I'll save my more detailed comments for them. What I would say, though, is I'm concerned that the game might not be game enough for either the bored WoW types, or those who want Eve on the high seas.

Anyway, this ship combat trailer rather of fails to convey the reload-progress bar watching and wind-GUI reading reality of ship combat, but it's in the spirit of things, I suppose.

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Ahoy, Game Trailers, you internet lubbers.

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