Please, Sir, Can I Have Some Sine Mora?
When the splendid time-bending shoot 'em up Sine Mora arrived on PC after a long delay in the land of porting, I lamented the fact that the trial version wasn't available alongside the full release. As an XBLA game, the game already had a demo so it seemed odd that it had been lost during transition. Fortunately, it wasn't lost entirely and did in fact drift onto Steam a couple of days ago. My memory of the demo on 360 involves a tediously drawn-out story sequence before the dodging and destruction commences, but there's enough to form an idea as to whether this is a suitable flavour of bullet hell. It's not quite as difficult as the horror I've hidden below.
I wouldn't have the volume turned up too loud before pressing play, unless you want to inflict mad, mocking laughter on everyone in your immediate vicinity. Maybe that's exactly what you want to do though, so feel free to crank your speakers all the way to eleven.
Preposterous. Compared to that sort of thing, Sine Mora isn't bullet hell at all - it's bullet retirement village with spa and golf course.