Portal: Almost Within Reach
If you've pre-ordered the Orange Box, you may have noticed that your pre-load info now shows a countdown clock, numbering in but a few hours. The biggest event in PC gaming since the last big event in PC gaming is almost upon us, and the tension is making it hard to move. So, in our unhelpful manner, here's another exclusive Portal screenshot to make the aching worse.
The countdown does just as good a job of telling you how long there is to wait for our verdicts on both Episode Two and Portal, to appear here at 8:01am UK time (12:01am Pacific time) Wednesday morning.
P.S. An Appeal
This is a Rock, Paper, Shotgun Appeal. With your copy of The Orange Box, and presumably with your download, you will receive a song. Please don't listen to it before you've played Episode Two and Portal. Please. We're really hoping Valve have thought of this too, but it contains some serious spoilers that will rob you of a wonderful moment.