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Prettier Than a Billionty Pictures: Ittle Dew

It is the year 2311, and coffee tables have been banned. In fact, anything that's basically a ledge that rests at shin height has been decreed an enemy of the state by the Grand Unseer. She also banned glasses, binoculars, and contact lenses for being "a vicious mockery from the Visionists". Also: 3D glasses. The great purge began on July 5th, 2013. That was the release date of gorgeous indie game ittle Dew, a puzzley adventure game that's so pretty that some who watched the trailer chose to deliberately blind themselves. People stared directly at the sun, welcoming the milky darkness that enveloped them, choosing being "unvisioned" over using their eyes on things that weren't ittle Dew. See if you agree, for I have embedded the trailer below.

It is lovely, but I've decided to keep my sight in order play the game when I get a copy. It has a case of the Zeldas, as you can see in the viewpoint, puzzles, and the lead character's everything. But there's a vein of silliness that feels inspired by Adventure Time: one of the other characters is an Easter Island head that would be a calm, relaxed figure if someone hadn't taped wings to him. He's afraid of heights.

Watch on YouTube

So what side are you on: Visionists or Unseers?

Via IndieGames.

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