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Preview Video Bonanza

See, using the word "bonanza" implies something exciting, doesn't it? But does it ever amount to more than there being more than one of something? No. No it doesn't. Here's more than one video preview of forthcoming PC games! Below are clips of Age Of Conan, Conflict: Denied Ops, Faith And A .45, MTB Target and Marble Blast Online.

Age of Conan: Border Ranges Trailer

Funcom are once more showing off the graphics for their "oh please don't be shit" Conan MMO. So try to ignore the texture glitch at 32 seconds on that background rock. Silly Funcom.

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Conflict: Denied Ops But Allowed Missile Launch Trailer

Once again, Eidos are determined to remind us how unrealistic graphics still are by showing live action footage before cutting to the anticlimactic cartoon version.

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So there's a new Conflict game then.

Faith And A .45

Winner of the best title of any game ever award, Deadline Games presents the debut trailer for FAAFF (as I will ruin things by calling it). Only a teaser, it's a tad cliche (bullet time, you say?), but it still looks all kinds of explodey fun. Created by the Danish indie developers behind the very silly Total Overdose, it really does appear impressive. And there's a pretty boy with a grrr scar, and a pretty girl with red hair! (Red for danger).

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It's splendid how the trailer begins with concept art stills, and you think to yourself, "Uh-oh, what are they hiding?" And then the in-game footage appears looking twice as crisp and clear as the renders.

MTB Target

If games could only be about one thing for the rest of time, that thing should obviously be flying penguins. Paving the way is this free (as in speech, and as in beer) um... oh, for a genre... penguin flying game! A small warning: this trailer frightens me.

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Head here for your free copy, and don't forget to leave a donation toward the project on your way out. You can be certain we'll be writing about this one some more soon.

Marble Blast Online

This video is so fast cutting it could probably be about anything. At first glance I assumed this was somewhere between Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball. But after the confusion of the trailer, it might as well be about the political intrigue of 13th century Bulgaria, or playing a pixie inside Britney Spears' brain, trying to save all the neurons before her entire head explodes (in a British accent).

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It's all part of a new concept called Instant Action - browser-based multiplayer games, played using something called ActionTokens. Head to Instant Action (which by some miracle of the internet isn't a porn site) to register for their forthcoming beta.

Gametrailers: if we were to total up all the thanks we're feeling right now, we'd probably set the internet on fire.

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