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Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time remake is still in the "early stage" of development

Ubisoft say we shouldn't expect more news this year

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Remake has been delayed indefinitely, again
Image credit: Ubisoft

Ubisoft’s Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time remake seems to be rewinding the clock on production since the game is still in the “conception” stage of development. The remake was originally supposed to come out four months after its reveal in 2021, tripped into 2022, and was then delayed indefinitely after switching developers. Essentially, this sounds like a Benjamin Button situation.

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“In terms of the development stage, we’re in conception right now,” said the game’s producer Jean-Francois Naud in a Ubisoft news blog. “Now, we’re building up the team, defining the priorities, putting porotypes together, testing elements, and looking at how we can include community feedback in the development as well.” Naud continued to say that the remake is in an “early stage” and that we shouldn’t expect more news for the rest of the year.

Ubisoft Montreal took over the project last summer, and at that time, the studio said they were “building upon the work achieved” by the former developers at Ubisoft Mumbai and Ubisoft Pune. Despite that, the team’s recent quotes about being in the “early stage” of development suggest that a lot of that prior work (seen in the embedded trailer above) has been taken back to the drawing board.

Better late than never. Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time was 2003’s much-loved action-platformer about an acrobatic lad who enjoyed wall-running and slashing away at enemies. He also happened to have a time-rewinding dagger, which helped with both the parkour and the stabbing. I’m ashamed to admit that my only exposure to the series comes from the whitewashed Jake Gyllenhaal film of the same name, though. Hopefully, this upcoming remake can fix that, eh? Someday.

Our Katharine chose to save the original game in 2003’s RPS Time Capsule. “Not only did it single-handedly revive a somewhat shaky series,” she wrote, “but it was also a masterful platformer.” Sounds right up my street.

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