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Project Zomboid Update Promises Reanimation Animation

Here's the first sentence: Project Zomboid is great. The sandbox zombie survival game is one of the most intelligent and interesting indie projects out there, and reports like this one from John should make you pay attention. More importantly: "This is how you died" should tell you what you need to know about the mood of this somber excellence. If you've not had a look at this game yet - and you can get access to it from the site right here - then you owe it to yourself to take a look. Anyway, to news, and this update, which explains how the animation system is being overhauled for the new build. Techie stuff, and not that interesting to everyone, I suspect. But the treat is at the end. Indie Stone say this: "The next build, R, should (fingers crossed) be released in around two days time – Lemmy is currently fixing the wheelie bin issue and a few save bugs that have cropped up with the changes. The new animation system will be present in the R build, as well as a tweaked approach to combat." A video details the animation changes below, while Zomboid fans just have to sit back and wait for a fresh build.

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And I think we'll probably write a little something more on the new build when we get our hands on it.

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