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Prosperity & Cool Sci-Fi Tech: Anno 2070

The surprise futuristic entry in the Anno citybuilding series - Anno 2070 - has got a new video, showing off 3 minutes of mostly game footage. I hope you don't think I'm crazy when I say I'm picking up a vague (very vague) Alpha Centauri vibe from this trailer. Sure, there's no mind worms or nerve-staples on display, but it's still pushing some of the same buttons.

Beautiful Sci-Fi cityscapes, fiddling with numbers, and two factions with opposing ideologies. What a treat. Let's hope Fox news don't get wind of "The Ecos" environmentalist ideals.

Ubisoft haven't yet shared their plans for DRM on Anno 2070, so lets hope it's not going to be using any of there rubbish always online "solutions".

Hookedgamers have got some new screenshots, too. That was where I got the one at the top of the page from.

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