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Pyramid Scheme: Total War II Egyptian Faction Revealed

Hey, oh

Let me hear you say it


Come on

(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)
(Cleopatra, comin' atcha)

Okay I'll stop now. THIS IS RPS! THE NEWS AT WHATEVER O'CLOCK. BONG! The new Rome Total War II faction is indeed the Egyptian Faction, and it looks very lovely. Here is some informations from the Rome Total War II Wiki:

Embracing Egyptian religion and customs, the Ptolemies have since made themselves Pharaohs, continuing the long engineering tradition of great temple and monument building. Greek culture and learning are actively encouraged however, and an upper class of Greco-Egyptians has emerged. But things are not always harmonious; with Greek units garrisoned and veterans settling throughout the territory, the privileges of Greek citizens have led to frequent and bloody uprisings by the indigenous people.

The intermingling of Greek and Egyptian fighting styles provides the Ptolemaic Pharaohs with a military that is both advanced and balanced, yet still honours the role of the champion commander. Making great use of spear and pike, their forces are further diversified with skilled swordsmen, scythed chariots, and more exotic units such as African war elephants. Egypt's position on the Mediterranean Sea also requires a substantial navy to protect its colonial and trade interests.

bit of a mapsicle there for you

The part about the Egyptian faction being "skilled statesmen and academics" with "naval prowess unquestioned" sounds promising. I imagine them as a sort of seafaring group of crotchety bearded university professors who act like mercenaries, going from country to country sorting out library mix ups and slight disagreements in philosophical terms between other, lesser known academics.

I know what you're going to say. You're going to say, Cara this is early Ptolemaic era, which means that Cleopatra is not even around, not even hiding under the Egyptian rug, she's not going to be born for years! And that I have presented inaccurate news by misleading you into thinking that there might be Cleopatra in or around this game. Well, I am genuinely quite sorry. This is my apology.

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