Realms Of Ancient War Is An ARPG, And That's Okay
REALMS OF ANCIENT WAR! It's a title that should be shouted, I believe. It's also a title that needs some tidying up, since we're apparently supposed to call it "R.A.W. - Realms of Ancient War". No. No I absolutely won't do that. Your title doesn't get to be an acronym and the expansion of that acronym. That's not how titles work. And you certainly don't get all those full stops and then a hyphen. Goodness me, no. Your game is now called Realms Of Ancient War, and it's to be shouted. It is decided. Please redesign your website/game materials. Thank you. Oh, and also your game looks super-pretty.
I don't care that Diablo III, Grim Dawn, Path Of Exile and Nyrthos are all coming soon. You can't throw enough ARPGs at me, and this one looks rather nice. And if you dig deep enough through the information, you can eventually find their original angle: incarnation. The larger bads you attack, can, when weakened, be possessed. This means you can charge around as an Ent, Troll, etc, while fighting enemies. Which sounds good.
There's to be a drop-in co-op mode, and as far as I can tell, no unnecessary online multiplayer version, which in 2012 adds a unique edge. Nothing else looks especially original - it's pure Tolkien-esque fantasy, with a Wizard, Warrior and Rogue to choose from, and then lots of outnumbered battles. But that's what I'm after! And this one intrigues purely for being quite so straight. Have a look:
First I bring you a teaser trailer:
Then a video about the Warrior:
And finally one for the Wizard:
There's no release date yet, but it's sometime between now and Summer.