Rock Of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder Rolls Out This Year
Rock on
It's quite nice when a videogame comes along with a pun smack bang in the middle of its title - it makes crafting a witty/cringy/puntastic headline that wee bit easier. It's also quite nice when that game is a sequel to boulder-rolling comedy action-puzzle-strategy sort-of tower defence 'em up Rock of Ages.
Five years on from the release of its forerunner, Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder [official site] is heading our way "this fall" with even more personified rocks, destructible environments, and Monty Python-flavoured artwork - not to mention the addition of four-player multiplayer.
Rock of Ages is a game cut out for multiplayer, really, which is why developers ACE Team have doubled down on competitive online play this time round. This time, you'll challenge pals in bouts of 2v2 and, as tracks now intersect, expect to send foes pinballing around the map. Or, if my previous fumblings are anything to go by, be sent tumbling yourself. Resources have also been reworked meaning players now not only have to defend their castles, but resource nodes too. Here's some of that in practice:
When Jim reviewed the first Rock of Ages many moons ago, he noted that, although he liked the game, he hoped the next outing would be "far more mature, and impressive", before proclaiming: "I know they’ve got it in them." As can be seen in the trailer, Bigger and Boulder boasts better physics, even more destructible backdrops, and even lovelier new art periods. Fingers crossed Jim gets his wish.
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder is due for release "Fall 2016."
Now, who threw that stone?