Rossignol On PC Hulk: "Fucking Awesome!"
Scanning the latest PC press releases I noted that the Sega published Edge of Reality produced Hulk Game game, due for June, is actually coming to the PC. Upon being informed of this fact Jim Rossignol, PC Games Journalist and Hulk-Admirer, who was at that moment bringing me a cup of tea, exclaimed with no visible irony "Fucking Awesome!" He then left.
We have no idea if it'll measure up to the Prototype-prototype Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, but we certainly hope so. Grabs and the Spanish Subtitled Hulk Movie Trailer beneath cut.
Spanish Subtitles make every film seem more awesome, in our opinion. In fact, even Fucking Awesome.
Update: When informed of the Hulk game, Jamie McKelvie, comic artist, inquired: "Does the game have Liv Tyler in glasses?". Jamie McKelvie thinks Liv Tyler is Fucking Awesome, in a different way to that which Jim Rossignol thinks the Hulk PC is Fucking Awesome. Or, at least, as far as we know.